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2024 Gonzalez-Cruz, R.D., Wan, Y., Calvao, D., Burgess, A., Renken, W., Vecchio, F., Franck, C., Kesari, H., Hoffman-Kim, D., “Cortical Spheroids Show Strain-dependent Cell Viability Loss and Neurite Disruption Following Sustained Compression Injury”, Plos One, 2024. [PDF]

2024 Nakarmi, S., Wang, Y., Fawzi, A.L., Franck, C., Wright Carlsen, R., “Estimating Brain Injury Risk from Shipborne Underwater Blasts using a High-fidelity Finite Element Head Model”, Military Medicine, 2024. [PDF]

2024 Tao, J., Sun, X., Franck, C., “Experimental Approach for Characterizing the Nonlinear, Time- and Temperature-dependent Constitutive Response of Open-cell Polyurethane Foams”, Strain, in press. [PDF]

2024 Fawzi, A.L., Franck, C., "Low level blasts from heavy weapons can cause traumatic brain injury", The Conversation, 2024. [PDF]


2024 Yang, J., McGhee, A., Radtke, G., Rodriguez Jr., M., Franck, C., “Estimating Viscoelastic, Soft Material Properties using a Modified Rayleigh Cavitation Bubble Collapse Time”, Physics of Fluids, 2024. [PDF]

2024 Bremer-Sai, E.C., Yang, J., McGhee, A., Franck, C., “Ballistic and Blast-relevant, High-rate Material Properties of Physically and Chemically Crosslinked Hydrogels, Experimental Mechanics, 2024[PDF]

2023 Summey, L., Zhang, J., Landauer, A.K., Sergay, J., Yang, J., Daul, A., Tao, J., Park, J., McGhee, A., Franck, C., “Open Source, Intermediate Strain-Rate Tensile Impact Device for Soft Materials and Cell Culture Systems”, Experimental Mechanics, 2023. [PDF]

2023 Ramey-Ward, A., Dong, Y., Yang, J., Ogasawara, H., Bremer-Sai, E.C., Brazhkina, O., Franck, C., Davis, M. E., Salaita, K., "An Optomechanically Actuated Hydrogel Platform for Cell Stimulation with Spatial and Temporal Resolution", ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2023. [PDF]

2023 Witt, H., Yan, Z., Henann, D.L., Franck, C., Reichner, J.,"Mechanosensitive traction force generation is regulated by neutrophil activation state", Scientific Reports, 2023. [PDF]

2023 Fawzi, A.L., Franck, C., "Beyond symptomatic diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury", Concussion, in 2023. [PDF]

2023 Tzoumaka, A., Yang, J., Buyukozturk, S., Franck, C., Henann, D.L.," Modeling high strain-rate microcavitation in soft materials: The role of material behavior in bubble dynamics", Soft Matter, 2023. [PDF]


2022 McGhee, A., Yang, J., Bremer, E.C., Xu, Z., Cramer III, H.C., Estrada, J.B.,  Henann, D.L., Franck, C., "High-Speed, Full-Field Deformation Measurements Near Inertial Microcavitation Bubbles Inside Viscoelastic Hydrogels", Experimental Mechanics, 2022. [PDF]

2022 Yang, J., Landauer, A.K., Buyukozturk, S., Zhang, J., Summey, L., McGhee, A., Fu, M.K., Dabiri, J.O., Franck, C." SerialTrack: ScalE and rotation invariant augmented Lagrangian particle tracking", SoftwareX, 2022. [PDF] 

2022 Colasurdo, M., Nieves, E.B., Fernandez-Yague, M.A., Franck, C., Garcia, A. J., “Adhesive Peptide and Polymer Density Modulate 3D Cell Traction Forces within Synthetic Hydrogels", Biomaterials, 2022. [PDF] 


2022 Buyukozturk, S., Landauer, A.K., Zhang, J., Summey, L. A., Chukwu, A. N., , Franck, C.” High-speed, 3D volumetric displacement and strain mapping in soft materials using Light Field Microscopy”, Experimental Mechanics, 2022. [PDF] 

2022 Yang, J., Rubino, J., Ma, Z., Tao, J., Yin, Y., McGhee, A., Pan, W., Franck, C., “Spatiotemporally Adaptive Quadtree mesh (STAQ) Digital Image Correlation for resolving large deformations around complex geometries and discontinuities”, Experimental Mechanics, 2022. [PDF] 

2022 Buyukozturk, S., Spratt, J.-S., Henann, D.L., Colonius, T.,  Franck, C.,” Particle‐Assisted Laser‐Induced Inertial Cavitation for High Strain‐Rate Soft Material Characterization”, Experimental Mechanics, 2022. [PDF] 

2022  Li, X., Tao, J., Landauer, A.K., Franck, C., Henann, D.L.,”Large-deformation constitutive modeling of viscoelastic foams: Application to a closed-cell foam material”, JMPS, 2022. [PDF]


2022 Yang, J, Cramer III, H.C., Bremer, E.C., Buyukozturk, S., Yin, Y., Franck, C.,” Mechanical Characterization of Agarose Hydrogels and their Inherent Dynamic Instabilities at Ballistic to Ultra-high Strain-rates via Inertial Microcavitation”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2022. [PDF] ​

2021 Yang, J, Tzoumaka, A., Muramaki, K., Johnsen, E., Henann, D.L., Franck, C.,” Predicting Complex Non-spherical Instability Shapes of Inertial Cavitation Bubbles in Viscoelastic Materials”, Physical Review E, 2021. [PDF]


2021 Estrada, J.B., Cramer III, H. C., Scimone, M. T., Buyukozturk, S., Franck, C., “Neural Cell Injury Pathology due to High-rate Mechanical Loading”, Brain Multiphysics, 2021. [PDF]

2021 Terpsma, R., Wright Carlsen, R., Szalkowski, R., Malave, S., Fawzi, A. L., Franck, C., Hovey, C., “Head Impact Modeling to Support a Rotational Combat Helmet Drop Test”, Military Medicine, 2021.​ [PDF]

2021 Watson, A. W., Grant, A. D., Parker, S. S., Harman, M. W., and Roman, M. R., Uhlorn, B. L., Gowan, C., Castro-Portuguez, R., Stolze, L. K.,  Franck, C., Cusanovich, D. A., Padi, M., Romanoski, C. E., Mouneimne, G., “Breast Tumor Stiffness Instructs Bone Metastasis Via Mechanical Memory”, Cell Reports, 2021. [PDF]

2021 Yang, J., Tao, J., Franck, C., “Smart Digital Image Correlation Patterns via 3D Printing”, Experimental Mechanics, 2021. [PDF]


2021 Spratt, J.-S., Rodriguez, M., Schmidmayer, K., Bryngelson, S.H., Yang, J., Franck, C., Colonius, T., ”Characterizing viscoelastic materials via ensemble-based data assimilation of bubble collapse observations”, JMPS, 2021. [PDF]

2021  Wright-Carlsen, R., Fawzi, A.L., Wan, Y., Kesari, H., Franck, C., "A quantitative relationship between rotational head kinematics and brain tissue strain from a 2D parametric finite element analysis", Brain Multiphysics, 2021. [PDF] 


2021 Mancia, L., Yang, J., Spratt, J.S., Sukovich, J.R., Xu, Z., Colonius, T., Franck, C., Johnsen, E., "Acoustic Cavitation Rheometry", Soft Matter, 2021. [PDF]

2020  Hazlett, L., Landauer, A.K., Patel, M., Witt, H.A., Yang, J., Reichner, J.S., Franck, C.,”Epifluorescence-based three-dimensional traction force microscopy”, Scientific Reports, 2020. [PDF]

2020  Guasto, J.S., Estrada, J.B., Menolascina, F., Burton, L.J., Patel, M., Franck, C., Hosoi, A.E., Zimmer, R.K., Stocker, R.,”Flagellar kinematics reveals the role of environment in shaping sperm motility”, Royal Society Interface, 2020. [PDF]

2020  Yang, J., Cramer III, H.C., Franck, C.,”Extracting non-linear viscoelastic material properties from violently-collapsing cavitation bubbles”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2020. [PDF]

2020  Yang, J., Hazlett, L., Landauer, A.K., Franck, C.,”Augmented Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation (ALDVC)”, Experimental Mechanics, 2020. [PDF]

2020  Sadick, J.S., Crawford, L.A., Cramer III, H.C., Franck, C., Liddelow, S.A., Darling, E.M.,”Generating cell type-specific protein signatures from non-symptomatic and diseased tissues”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2020. [PDF]


2020  Scimone, M.T., Cramer III, H.C., Hopkins, P., Estrada, J.B., Franck, C.,”Application of mild hypothermia successfully mitigates neural injury in a 3D in-vitro model of traumatic brain injury”, PLoS One, 15(4), 2020. [PDF]

2020 Leggett, S.E., Patel, M., Valentin, T.M., Gamboa, L., Khoo, A.S., Williams, E.K., Franck, C., Wong, I.Y.,”Mechanophenotyping of 3D Multicellular Clusters using Displacement Arrays of Rendered Tractions”, PNAS, 2020. [PDF]


2020 Wilson, Z.S., Witt, H., Hazlett, L., Harman, M., Neumann, B.M., Whitman, A., Patel, M., Ross, R.S., Franck, C., Reichner, J.S., Lefort, C.T., "Context-Dependent Role of Vinculin in Neutrophil Adhesion, Motility and Trafficking", Scientific Reports, 2020. [PDF]

2019  Mancia, L., Vlaisavljevich, E., Yousefi, N., Rodriguez, M., Ziemlewicz, T.J., Lee, F. L., Henann, D., Franck, C., Xu, Z. and Johnsen, E.,"Modeling tissue-selective cavitation damage", Phys. Med. Biol., 2019. [PDF]

2019  Landauer, A.K., Li, X., Franck, C., Henann, D.L.,”Experimental characterization and hyperelastic constitutive modeling of open-cell elastomeric foams”, JMPS, 2019. [PDF]


2019  Wilson, C.T., Hall, T. L., Johnsen, E., Mancia, L., Rodriguez, M., Lundt, J.E., Colonius, T., Henann, D.L., Franck, C., Xu, Z., and Sukovich, J.R., "Comparative study of the dynamics of laser and acoustically generated bubbles in viscoelastic media", Phys. Rev. E, 2019. [PDF]

2018  Scimone, M.T., Cramer III, H.C., Bar-Kochba, E., Amezcua, R., Estrada, J.B., Franck, C.,”Modular approach for resolving and mapping complex neural and other cellular structures and their associated deformation fields in three dimensions”, Nat. Protocols, 2018. [PDF]


2018  Valentin, T.M., Landauer, A.K., Morales, L.C., DuBois, E.M., Shukla, S., Liu, M., Stephens, L.H., Franck, C., Chen, P.Y., Wong, I.Y.,”Alginate-graphene oxide hydrogels with enhanced ionic tunability and chemomechanical stability for light-directed 3D printing”, Carbon, 2018. [PDF]


2018  Ando, T., Bhamidimarri, S.P., Brending, N., Colin-York., H., Collinson, L., De Jonge, N., de Pablo, P.J., Debroye, E., Eggeling, C., Franck, C., Fritzsche, M., Gerritsen, H., Giepmans, B.N.G., Grunewald, K., Hofkens, J., Hoogenboom, J.P., Janssen, K.P.F., Kaufman, R., Klumpermann, J., Kurniawan, N., Kusch, J., Liv, N., Parekh, V., Peckys, D.B., Rehfeldt, F., Reutens, D.C., Roeffaers, M.B.J., Salditt, T., Schaap, I.A.T., Schwarz, U.S., Verkade, P., Vogel, M.W., Wagner, R., Winterhalter, M., Yuan, H., Zifarelli, G.,”The 2018 Correlative Microscopy Techniques Roadmap”, Journal of Physics D, 2018. [PDF]

2018  Patel, M., Leggett, S.E., Landauer, A.K., Wong, I.Y., Franck, C.,”Rapid, Topology-based Particle Tracking for High-resolution Measurements of Large Complex 3D Motion Fields”, Scientific Reports, 2018. [PDF]


2018  Landauer, A.K., Patel, M., Henann, D., Franck, C.,”A q-Factor-Based Digital Image Correlation Algorithm (qDIC) for Resolving Finite Deformations with Degenerate Speckle Patterns”, Experimental Mechanics, 2018. [PDF]

2018  Estrada, J.B., Barajas, C., Henann, D., Johnsen, E., Franck, C.,”High strain-rate soft material characterization via inertial cavitation”, JMPS, 2018. [PDF]

2017    Franck, C.,“Microcavitation: the key to modeling blast traumatic brain injury?”, Concussion, 2017. [PDF]

2017    Owen, L.M., Adhikari, A.S., Patel, M., Grimmer, P., Leijnse, N., Kim, M.C., Notbohm, J., Franck, C., Dunn, A.R. "A cytoskeletal clutch mediates cellular force transmission in a soft, 3D extracellular matrix", Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2017. [PDF]

2017   Midgett, D.E., Pease, M.E., Jefferys, J.L., Patel, M., Franck, C., Quigley, H.A., Nguyen, T.D., "The Pressure-Induced Deformation Response of the Human Lamina Cribrosa: Analysis of Regional Variations", Acta Biomaterialia, 2017. [PDF]


2016    Bar-Kochba, E., Scimone, M., Estrada, J.B., Franck, C.,”Strain and rate-dependent neuronal injury in a 3D in vitro compression model of TBI", Scientific Reports, 2016. [PDF]


2016  Stout, D.A., Bar-Kochba, E., Estrada, J.B., Toyjanova, J., Kesari, H., Reichner, J.S., Franck, C.,”Mean deformation metrics for quantifying 3D cell-matrix interactions without requiring information about matrix material properties”, PNAS, 2016. [PDF]


2015   Schell, J.Y., Wilks, B.T., Patel, M., Franck, C., Chalivendra, V.B., Cuo, X., Shenoy, V.B., Morgan, J.”Harnessing cellular-derived forces in self-assembled microtissues to control the synthesis and alignment of ECM”, Biomaterials, Volume 77, Page 120-129, 2015. [PDF]


2015  Poellman, M., Estrada, J.B., Boudou, T. Berent, Z., Franck, C., Wagoner-Johnson, A.,“Differences in morphology and traction generation of cell lines representing different stages of osteogenesis ”, Journal Biomechanical of Engineering, 137(12), 2015. [PDF]


2015   Estrada, J.B., Franck, C.,”Intuitive Interface for the Quantitative Evaluation of Speckle Patterns for Use in Digital Image and Volume Correlation Techniques”, J. Applied Mechanics, 2015. [PDF]


2015    Franck, J.,Blume, J., Crisco, J., Franck, C.,”Extractiong Time-accurate Acceleration Vectors from Non-trivial Accelerometer Arrangements”, J. Biomechanical Engineering, 2015. [PDF]


2015    Stout, D.A., Toyjanova, J., Franck, C.,”Planar Diffusion System to Investigate Chemotaxis in a 3D Collagen Matrix”, J.Visual Experiments, 2015. [PDF]


2014   Toyjanova, J., Flores-Cortez, E., Reichner, J.S., Franck, C.,”Matrix Confinement Plays a Pivotal Role in Regulating Neutrophil-generated Tractions, Speed and Integrin Utilization”, J. Biological Chemistry, 2014. [PDF]


2014   Toyjanova, J., Hannen, E., Bar-Kochba, E., Darling, E., Hennan, D., Franck, C.,”3D Viscoelastic Traction Force Microscopy”, Soft Matter, 10 (40), 8095 - 8106, 2014. [PDF]


2014   Morse, J., Franck, J., J., Crisco, J., Franck, C., “An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Head Accelerations due to Stick Impacts in Girls’Lacrosse”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-014-1091-8, 2014. [PDF]


2014   Lopez-Fagundo, C., Bar-Kochba, E., Livi, L., Hoffman-Kim, D., Franck, C.,”3D Traction Forces of Schwann Cells on Compliant Substrates”, Royal Society Interface, 2014 11, 20140247, 2014. [PDF]


2014   Bar-Kochba, E., Toyjanova, J., Andrews, E., Kim, K.S., Franck, C.,”A Fast Iterative Digital Volume Correlation Technique for Large Deformation Measurements”, Experimental Mechanics, 2014. [PDF]


2014   Toyjanova, J., Bar-Kochba, E., Lopez-Fagundo, C., Reichner, J., Hoffman-Kim, D., Franck, C., ”High Resolution, Large Deformation 3D Traction Force Microscopy”, PLoS One, 9(4), e:90976, 1-12, 2014. [PDF]


2011   Ryu, S., Franck, C., “In vitro Hydrodynamic Lateral Force Calibration of AFM Colloidal Probes”, Langmuir, 2011, 27 (21), pp 13390–13399. [PDF]


2011   Hemphill, M.A., Dabiri, B.E., Gabriele, S., Kerscher, L., Franck, C., Goss, J.A., Alford, P.W., Parker, K.K., “A Role for Integrins and the Cytoskeleton in Blast-induced Diffuse Axonal Injury”, PLoS One, 6(7), e: 22899, 1-11, 2011. [PDF]


2011   Franck, C., Maskarinec, S.A., Tirrell, D.A., Ravichandran, G., “Three-dimensional Traction Force Microscopy: A New Tool for Quantifying Cell-Matrix Interactions,” PLoS One 6(3): e17833, 2011. [PDF]


2009   Franck, C., Maskarinec, S.A., Ravichandran, C., Tirrell, D.A., “Quantifying Cellular Traction Forces in Three Dimensions,” PNAS, 106:22108 - 22113, 2009. [PDF]


2008   Nowatzki, P.J., Franck, C., Ravichandran, G. Tirrell, D.A., “Characterization of Mechanically Tunable Photosensitive Artificial Protein Thin Films by Nanoindentation,” Macromolecules, 41(5), 1839-1845, 2008. [PDF]


2007   Franck, C., Hong, S., Maskarinec, S.A., Tirrell, D.A., Ravichandran, G., “Three-Dimensional Full-Field Measurements of Large Deformations in Soft Materials using Confocal Microscopy and Digital Volume Correlation,” Experimental Mechanics, 47, 427-438, 2007. [PDF]


2007   Carrico, I.S., Maskarinec, S.A., Heilshorn, S.C., Mock, M.L., Liu, J.C., Nowatzki, P.J., Franck, C., Ravichandran, G., Tirrell, D.A., “Lithographic Patterning of Photoreactive Cell-Adhesive Proteins,” Journal of American Chemical Society, 129, 4874-4875, 2007. [PDF]


2006   Franck, C., Bhattacharya, K., Ravichandran, G., “Characterization of Domain Walls in BaTiO3 Using Simultaneous Atomic Force and Piezo Response Force Microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters, 88, 102907 (1-3), 2006. [PDF]

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